Wednesday, September 25, 2013

More notes from Sparkie

Hi kitty lovers.....Well today I met some of my aunts.   Janet came over to see how cute I was.  She is a great knitter, and I hope I looked cute enough to have her knit me some cute mittens for the winter.  She made my mom some socks, but I think mittens would work better for  kittens!  Then Aunt Opal came by too.   She is a great photographer.  She took some  pictures of me, which she put  on Flickr.....lots of people thought I was soooo cute.   Aunt Arlene, our neighbor came by, too, and she was impressed with my cute little face.  It is a good thing, since   she will be  feeding   me whenever mom and dad  go away.  
Mom got me a strange looking little red house, with screens on the sides and front.  She says it will be fun to ride in when I go to the VET....I am still not sure about this VET thing.  I am pretty little to go in the car for a ride in that strange little red house.  She even put kibble inside to  get me to try it out.   The kibble is good, but I am not sure I  am going to fall for her   tricks!
Mom finished some more quilts and went to the Post Office.  She leaves me in the house and I cuddle up under her big quilt  in the recliner  and take a nap till she comes in for lunch.  Today I hid on her, and when she came in she couldn't find me right away.  I finally jumped out and surprised her.  She didn't think it was very funny, because she was worried  that I was lost or maybe sick.  She needs to lighten up a bit!
Well tomorrow I will let you know how my ride to the VET went in that funny little red house.  Mom will be working on a T shirt quilt, so I will get a big, long nap.  She finished Freddy's modern looking quilt today, too.  Freddy's quilts are so colorful.  I like all those bright, happy colors. I think mom should make a quilt for me.....maybe with mice and birds on it. 
Well, it is getting close to my bedtime, and I have to get ready to jump around on the bed and annoy mom and dad.  Sometimes I crawl under the covers and tickle mom. 
I hope you all  have a great night's sleep tonite, too.    Sparkie

P.S.   I cannot get my picture to work tonite on the computer.   I will post some pictures tomorrow.

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