Hi friends...gosh, I have been keeping mom so busy that she hasn't even had a chance to write for soooo long. Shame on both of us. Well, to be fair, she was sick for almost three weeks most of January with her sometimes usual bronchial asthma stuff. I think she escaped last year, tho.
Anyway, one day dad came into the house with a HUGE box....pretty soon he was making a giant tree in the corner of the living room. Mom and dad kept talking about Christmas, and how we needed an artificial tree so the Sparkie would be less likely to eat it!...I don't know exactly what this Christmas thing is, but after the tree was all set up dad put some pretty lights on it and then mom had two big tubs of something she called ornaments. I had lots of fun trying to knock them down and found some little wire hook things that were for hanging the ornaments. Mom kept taking them away from saying I could play with them because they were too dangerous and I might swallow one. Oh, oh, that could mean another trip to the vet...but that is another story I will save for my next post.
Mom said she was going to use her patchwork ornaments because they wouldn't break. I did have fun playing with them on the tree though. One day I made mom laugh when I marched by her with a cute little star ornament in my mouth. I knew it wasn't a mouse, but it was still fun to play with.
Actually, I was pretty a pretty good girl. I only jumped from the arm of the couch across to the middle of the tree. I never did climb up very high. Of course, every time mom saw the tree wiggle, I would hear SPARKIE!!....Then I would run like the wind so I wouldn't get in too much trouble.

I love to drink water out of the faucet and play with the running water.

One of mom's unbreakable ornaments.

Lunch at one of my favorite nurseries with Opal....great place for photos...good food, too.

Aunt Marilyn sent me this toy....mom and dad love it because it keeps me occupied while they eat so I don't bother them begging! It is fun to chase the little mouse around and around!
Christmas is fun with all the lights, paper, ribbons, and other goodies, not to mention interesting new smells and foodies to attract me. (Mom seems to think I have an unusual attraction to food and thinks it is funny when I come running every time I hear a candy wrapper crinkle.!) I must say that I do have good hearing when I hear those wrappers crinkle.
I also have great hearing every time I hear the faucet running. Poor mom can hardly brush her teeth....I get right up on the counter and drink water out of the running faucet. I have to admit I do look pretty cute drinking water out of the faucet and jumping onto the counter any way I can. Mom says she has never seen a cat so intrigued by running water. I wonder if the koi pond will be as much fun as the bathroom faucet. I hope I don't fall into the pond....there could be frogs and other critters in there.
I heard the timer go off, and I think I smell some pizza baking...oh, boy! It is sad, though, because mom and dad will only feed me cat food....no people food. I can always dream! Well, I better get on with other things for now, like teasing mom and scrounging for some pizza....I will tell you all about the VET on my next post. Sparkie