Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fun with Freddy and Molly

Hi all....what a busy couple weeks around here.  First, Freddy Moran and Molly Federici came for a visit.  Freddy came to teach and Molly, one of her avid students and fans came from Illinois to take the class. What a great time we had.
Unfortunately I had to teach on Saturday, so couldn't take the class, but we had plenty of fun on other days.
We stopped off at the Chilhuly Glass Gardens in Seattle on the way home from the airport....what a magnificent display of color, and an inspirational for lots of quilts.  In fact, I saw one in  a magazine that was one of the glass displays....a boat full of beautiful glass  balls.  The artist  created a beautiful likeness.
We also had fun on a day trip to La Conner and the Quilt Museum....and shopping of course!  The weather was pretty good those few days they were here, and we were able to enjoy some beautiful scenery in the sunshine.
Molly, one of the gals I quilt for, came all the way from Illinois to take Freddy's class...and it was so much fun to meet her after quilting many of her beautiful quilts.    She, like Freddy, started quilting later in life, and she does a fabulous job.  I think we will have her back next time Freddy teaches.  We had such a great time fabric shopping and sight-seeing, that we need to find some new territory to explore the next time!
We spent one day on Vashon Island at the Island Quilter shop where Freddy had about 40 of her quilts on display.  What a happy feast for the eyes.  I wish more people enjoyed color the way Freddy is a good thing we work together....we both love color and fun quilting....not to mention perfection is not at the top of our list!
We said good-bye to Freddy and Molly and a day later we had our guild retreat.
What fun it is to sit and sew with your friends, have your meals prepared, and no interruptions.   You can get soooo much done.  I only got 2 tops and 1 huge back done, and 2 baby quilts I guess I didn't get as much done as I had hoped.  I always bring way more than I have time to finish.
The setting of our retreat is beautiful with a farm below our sewing center and beautiful hills and trees in the distance.  Even the loss of power on Saturday morning for a couple hours didn't stop us.....some of the gals did hand work by the windows and  others were still cutting.  We are looking forward to a retreat in the spring and again next fall.
In the meantime, I have piles of quilts waiting for the long-arm....I have done a few since I got home and plan to keep my nose to the needle and catch up on some things that have been waiting to be quilted while I was travelling or entertaining our visitors.
I hope you have had a good time these past few weeks, I will give Sparkie a chance to write her few lines!    love, judy

I have a new has been calling me Sparkie the pest....I wonder what a pest is.  Every time I climb on the dining room table, or up on the desk or some other neat place she calls me a pest.  Yesterday I dumped her plant over twice, so I guess that is pretty naughty.
She should be proud of me, I went up to 2.6 pounds at the vet visit, got my shots and had a good check-up.  Mom weighed me yesterday and I was up to 3 pounds.  She says I have a great interest in food, and I admit, that I do love my kibble.  I  like to see what mom is eating, especially if she has something called icecream, but she pushes me away.  Aunt Marilyn sent me a toy that has a little want that rotates back and forth and around and around in  a is so much fun to and dad  put it out for me to play when they are eating dinner.  That keeps me busy so I don't bother them when they are eating!
 A funky sculpture near the glass gardens at Seattle Center.
 Freddy and Molly at the Glass Gardens.....see the great orange piece below!

 A great reflection of the Space Needle in one of the large glass balls at the Glass Garden.
 This glass was on the ceiling of part of the display....such wonderful colors!
 One of Freddy's quilts.
 A student working on a masterpiece in Freddy's class.
 Freddy, Molly, and Sue at the Island Quilter to see Freddy's exhibit.
 One of my favorites.  One of Freddy's friends made the fabric with all the stamped shapes on solids....I LOVE this one...and the orange background is pretty fabulous, too.
 Judy and Freddy!
I made the crazy lonestar below at the retreat.  I will call it Crazy Dancin' Feet.   It is pretty busy....but, I always say if I want my eyes to rest, I will take a nap!  I still have borders to figure out.
  Sometimes I still bite mom....she doesn't like that....but I am just playing with her.  I think I might be a good mouser.  I sure like to  chase things and jump up on  high places.  I can jump about 4 feet across the room or from the bed to the window sill.  Maybe I should try out for the Olympics!  I could   be on the broad jump team.
Well, today mom has lots of work to do, so I guess I will sleep on the big, soft office chair while she is out quilting.  Sometimes I can be such a good girl and keep out of trouble.  I still have a cute little thinks I am cute, even if I am a naughty kitty from time to time.
I hope you have as much fun today as I will.....Sparkie did those pictures get in the middle of Sparkie's story......I will never figure this out.  And to think I may get one of those new magic phones...I might think that over for a bit!

1 comment:

  1. It was nice taking tea with you at the Vashon event. Love that lone star you're working on. Must be the shoe fabric (grin). You know us gals love our shoes!
