I did have a great time teaching the West Sound Quilters in Port Orchard, and also brought some of my quilts for a trunk show....got to visit the fabulous shop in Port Gamble, Quilted Strait.....some really fun and funky fabrics and loads of Kaffe and Brandon fabric!
For class we did the machine quilting, weaving/collage, and the Lone Star quilt.
Then I taught at my own Guild, Camano Island Quilters right close to home. We did the lone star quilt and many of the gals pretty nearly finished their tops.
We cherry on top was our BIG, over 500 quilts at the Monroe Fairgrounds....that was our guild, Quilters' Anonymous. What a great show, and featured my dear friend Klota Underwood as the featured artist. She is the applique queen. I will try to get some of her quilts on my blog so you can enjoy them, too.
Now, I am getting ready for my guild in Mukilteo, the Lighthouse Quilters...In April I will teach a class and present a trunk show as well. That will be fun...that guild is a bit on the small side, but many great and talented quilters are members.
Of course, the Kaffe Fassett, Liza Lucy, and Brandon Mably exhibit is teatured at the La Conner Quilt and Textile Museum. I quilted most of the quilts displayed, so that makes the show extra special. I hope many of you can stop by and see the quilts before the coming weekend, as the show will be ending. You don't want to miss this one!
Well, guess I will stop for now, and get some more work done...working on a beautiful floral collage made in one of Freddy's classes.
Tonite is Mukilteo Guild.....hope you are all enjoying your local guilds and quilt shows....love, jude