Tommy Boy with his bandage after his IV from his seizure....Me with Tommy Boy...he is sooo cute!! Where it was shaved, he looks like a now I call him Poodle Paw!
What about that Hawaiian quilt made by Geoff Hamada of Seattle...he is a pro at Hawaiian quilts...all by hand....amazing. has been way tooo long since I have written. Between trying to get some quilts done and nearly losing my Tommy Boy cat to a diabetic seizure, it has been a hectic few weeks.
One rainy night we had to rush our cat to the all nite vet....he had a terrible seizure from low blood sugar...12....we got him through the night and to our regular vet the next morning. Now we have taken him off the insulin altogether and are just feeding him his regular food...for diabetic cats, that is. He loves it and has done very well. No more insulin shots, just his food. He wants to go outside again and runs through the house like he used to, so hopefully we can keep him in good shape with just the diet. The vet said cats will sometimes reverse and stay in control with just their food....gosh, just like people, I guess. He sure did scare us with that adventure. We still watch him to make sure he seems ok....he is a very nice cat, and has been a great pet! I love my Tommy Boy.
I have done quite a few customer quilts these past few weeks, and have just 2 more Freddy quilts left to do....more coming. She is sooooo prolific....I love to quilt her quilts. They are always so cheery and happy, too.
I have begun two more lone stars, and mostly finished one small Christmas one. Just a few borders and finishing off to do.
Saw a fabulous exhibit at the museum of Ann Fahl quilts....oh, WOW....what a masterpiece collection that was...plan to go back again and again. You can take pictures, so I will try to post a few for you all to enjoy. I would love to take a class from her some time.
Can't believe Thanksgiving is day after tomorrow. We have soooo very much to be thankful for. Hope you have a wonderful holiday, too. I plan to make a cannoli cheesecake. If it turns out good, I will post the recipe. I LOVE cannolis. I used to make them from scratch when I lived on the east coast. I had lots of Italian cooking coaches back there. Well, enough about cannolis....gotta go quilt, and piece some more on a lonestart....I hope you all have a most wonderful and blessed, jude