Ken and Judy by the lake...Huron.
THe 5 mile long Mackinaw Bridge.

Lumberman's Monument
WOW!! how can it be that September is gone and Oct. is nearly half way gone as well. It seems like we just left for our big trip to Michigan and Arkansas, and here we are home again with noses to the grindstone. (By the way, there is a city in the "thumb" of Michigan called Grindstone City...or I have a picture of my mom sitting on a huge grindstone in about 1940 or so!) Just some trivia. The grindstone is hard to push, with all those quilts hanging onto it!
Have a quilt to finish today, one of my first customers from 12 years ago, and very cute baby quilt from Bekah Lynch in Houston....she does the most phenomenal applique, and then another Freddy quilt....Freddy will be at Aunt Mary's Quilt shop next week for 3 days...yeah!!
Our trip was great...even the reunion for my hubby's 50th highschool...Grand Rapids Creston High School. How did we get this old?? There were almost 100 returning grads and spouses...finished off with a fabulous fireworks, too. It was interesting to see how all those young lives turned out. We felt so blessed to still be alive and well, and have had such a great life all those 50 years.
A trip to Traverse City, Mackinaw City, and Mackinaw Island, of course.....just reliving old time places we like to visit. It looks pretty much the same. Mackinaw Island is always fun for walking, and the weather was absolutely fabulous. I had to pick a few rocks from the lake and bring them home for my pond and stream. I love the Great Lakes. The water is always so blue in the North part of the state. We had to go to East Tawas where I spent lots of time as a kid, camping and then visiting from our cabin later. We now have no cabin...the new owners have torn it down and it is a bare lot. It was sad to see, since we built the cabin when I was just a wee kid! And brick by brick...using old Saginaw bricks...I remember chipping off all the old mortar. They were free! I even brought a couple home one trip..heavy to carry and get up on the check through for hand carry. (The days before 9-11) No trip to our old cabin area would be complete without a stop at the AuSable River and Lumberman's Monument. THey also had some information about the CCC camps. My dad served when he was a young guy before he met my mom. That was interesting to see.
Had fun visiting friends and family in Saginaw, a depressing town with all the lack of work, and a downtown that is virtually empty. It could be such a great town...right on the river and beautiful old mansions from the lumber era of Michigan.
After visiting in Michigan, we headed for Arkansas, to see my sister-in-law. I had been asked to do a trunk show for her Northwest Arkansas guild and then a workshop...what fun!!
And what a great group of talented gals, too. Actually several men were in attendance, too. Well, I had not been in Arkansas for any length of time before, so it was interesting. Lots of trees, and some rolling hills. Had to stop at Lamberts, house of throwed rolls on the way down...I had eaten there once before and had to take my hubby. It is fun, just watch for flying rolls!! You better hope for an extra stomach to hold all that food, too.
We had great weather, and lots of fun. But now it is time to get back to work. I actually started to get a little bored near the end...not when I was in the quilting mode in Arkansas. I guess I will have to find something to do for handwork. I never really like handwork too much, but I mayhave to give in and try to find something that I will enjoy.
In Grand Rapids Sue Spargo was doing a workshop, and then, when I got to Arkansas, there she was again. I don't do that kind of work, but it sure is beautiful, and the wools are great colors.
Guess I better go check the hubby picked the remaining apples from our trees, so I have been making a batch of applesauce every morning. Hope you and yours are enjoying this beautiful fall. We have already had a few frosts. I will write about our big Quiltfest at the LaConner museum next time. Have a great day!! Judy